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    2011年06月17日 09:54 外国语学院  点击:[]

题 目:《Why don’t Students Answer Questions: CA Approach 》(会话分析视角下的师生问答)

时 间:6月20日下午3:00

地 点:L5-206



广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院在读博士Abstract: Eliciting answers from students through questions is a prevailing teaching strategy employed by teachers to promote interaction and negotiation of meaning in the ESL/EFL classroom. Teachers might get uneasy or even frustrated when questions are met with silence. Drawing on the conceptual framework of conversation analysis (henceforth (CA), this study aims to describe the sequence organization of questions and answers based on naturally occurring interaction recorded in the language classroom. It is argued that CA can be particularly illuminating in revealing the structural patterns of questions and answers in the classroom, and further implications are drawn for teacher leaning and critical reflection.摘要:在英语课堂中,教师提问是启发学生思考,促进课堂交流的常用手段。如果提问遭遇沉默,教师可能会感到不安,甚至尴尬。本研究借助会话分析(conversation analysis)的理论框架,和自然情境下发生的语料,通过丰富的实例来描述课堂问答的系列结构,并试图揭示学生不回答问题的根源。最后,本研究提出一些教学策略,以促进课堂师生互动和交流,并指出对教师教育的意义。


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